I have played with snmp (Simple Network Management Protocol) in the past. Time to expand on that knowledge and put it to use. I started off with port utilization on our Ubiquiti Edge Switches.
The output from the script looks like this. I was doing an iperf3 test when I grabbed this screenshot.
I tend to over complicate things. Perhaps there is a simple and better way to do this. I see a port utilization value in the switches MIB file but it seems to be slow and keeps incrementing. After the time I have put into this script I’m thinking I should have looked more into what that value is and what I could have done with it. It mostly works and I learned a lot so I guess it turned out well.
# Experimental script to monitor my Ubiquitu 24 + 2 port EdgeSwitch
# If it seems like I may not know what I am doing its because I don't.
# Seemed to also work on my home pfsense box that has 4 ports.
# Known issues:
# --Full port utilization seems to show as closer to 125%. Will update if I figure out why.
# --Could improve by reading port link speeds via snmp
# --I could not figure out how to make the {1..26} to be variables. HELP!
# Corrections / improvements appreciated adamd at sdf.org
#10,000,000 = 10**7 10Mb
#100,000,000 = 10**8 100Mb
#1,000,000,000 = 10**9 1G
#10,000,000,000 = 10**10 10G
port_speed = $(( 10 ** 9 ))
upd_rate = 5 #seconds
ip = ""
main () {
while true ;
InOct =( $( snmpget -v1 -Oqv -c public $ip IF-MIB::ifInOctets.{ 1..26} ) )
OutOct =( $( snmpget -v1 -Oqv -c public $ip IF-MIB::ifOutOctets.{ 1..26} ) )
InPkts =( $( snmpget -v1 -Oqv -c public $ip IF-MIB::ifInUcastPkts.{ 1..26} ) )
OutPkts =( $( snmpget -v1 -Oqv -c public $ip IF-MIB::ifOutUcastPkts.{ 1..26} ) )
x = "0"
echo "Port Utilization ***************************"
for p in ${ OldInOct [@] } ; do
#TotInOct=$((${InOct[$x]} - ${OldInOct[$x]}))
#TotOutOct=$((${OutOct[$x]} - ${OldOutOct[$x]}))
#TotInPkts=$((${InPkts[$x]} - ${OldInPkts[$x]}))
#TotOutPkts=$((${OutPkts[$x]} - ${OldOutPkts[$x]}))
get_difference " ${ InOct [ $x ] } " " ${ OldInOct [ $x ] } " ; TotInOct = $itemp
get_difference " ${ OutOct [ $x ] } " " ${ OldOutOct [ $x ] } " ; TotOutOct = $itemp
get_difference " ${ InPkts [ $x ] } " " ${ OldInPkts [ $x ] } " ; TotInPkts = $itemp
get_difference " ${ OutPkts [ $x ] } " " ${ OldOutPkts [ $x ] } " ; TotOutPkts = $itemp
(( y = x+1)) #Arrays are zero based, ports start at 1
#The Incoming utilization
i = $( echo "((( $TotInPkts * (96+64)) + ( $TotInOct * 8)) / ( $port_speed * $upd_rate )) * 100" | bc -l )
#The outgoing utilization
j = $( echo "((( $TotOutPkts * (96+64)) + ( $TotOutOct * 8)) / ( $port_speed * $upd_rate )) * 100" | bc -l )
#Colors the upload and or download number if it sees above requested percent
echo "P: $y "
if (( $( echo " $i > 1" | bc -l ) )) ; then
printf " \e [31m%2.4f \e [0m, " $i
printf "%2.4f, " $i
if (( $( echo " $j > 1" | bc -l ) )) ; then
printf " \e [31m%2.4f \e [0m \n " $j
printf "%2.4f \n " $j
#printf "%2.4f, %2.4f\n" $i $j
(( x = x+1))
OldInOct =( ${ InOct [*] } )
OldOutOct =( ${ OutOct [*] } )
OldInPkts =( ${ InPkts [*] } )
OldOutPkts =( ${ OutPkts [*] } )
sleep $upd_rate
#Created to deal with packet and octet counter rollovers
get_difference () {
if (( " $1 " >= " $2 " )) ; then
itemp = $(( $1 - $2 ))
#we must have rolled over the register
#How far was it from the old value to the rollover point?
#4294967296 = 2^32
itemp = $(( 4294967295 - $2 ))
#add that to the new value
itemp = $(( $itemp + $1 ))
main " $@ " ; exit